Monday, November 17, 2014

Things that I'm learning.

As a woman who grew up doing the whole "Church thing", I thought that I knew so much more about the Bible than I actually do. Yesterday, at church, I heard the story of Gideon for the first time. It's a pretty huge story in the Bible, and yet, I didn't know it. Of course...part of that was probably my fault. I was pretty boy crazy/distracted no matter where I more than likely, I had the opportunity to hear and study those stories, but I chose not to.

I consider myself to be a relatively new christian, and am always learning new things when I study the Bible (shocking, right?!). I've been going to BSF for a little over a year, and I know it's not for everyone, but I've gotta tell's made a HUGE impact on my life. Right now, I feel like I need to study the Bible in depth. I need to dig deeper than just reading through, and skimming. My soul needs to learn as much about my Lord as it can. 

Do you know what else I've been learning throughout these past few years? My heart desires to spend time with women who trust and serve the Lord. To spend as much time as I can, soaking up their wisdom, and praying with them. Women who are my age, and especially women who are older than me, and have been through my stage of life. It's so important that I can talk and share and be vulnerable with those that I trust. Who I know will pray for me and with me when I'm walking through trials. 

So, here I stand today, convicted, because do you know what? Deep down, I know that my kids need the same thing. Yes, they're only three and one, but they, too, need to know that someone greater than their mom and dad loves them, more than we EVER could. Someone who send HIS SON to die for THEIR SINS. They need to be with family and friends who will teach them about their Lord and Savior. Not only that, they need me, someone who feels so inadequate, and so small compared to my Father, to teach them about Christ's unfailing love for them. 

The most important thing that I can do for Charlie and Maddie is to pray for them. Every day. Every night when I go to bed, I need to pray for their sweet souls, that they would grow to love Christ at an early age. That they will stand strong in the faith. That when they are called to do something impossible, they can hold on to the promise that their Father in Heaven, has everything planned out, and has gone before them. That they will share their faith with others. For their character traits that can seem so frustrating to me, but that God gave them. That God would help me to be the mom that HE made me to be, and that my kids need me to be.


  1. Proud of you Breanne! It's never too late! Never feel shame for your past. Take a strong hold on today and move forward! Miss you!

  2. Love your heart and your honesty! Keep on writing!!
